We were proud to be headline sponsor of the Women’s Night Safety Charter Summit

29th of February 2024

At the event, we launched imabi Guardian, which is designed to help reduce incidents of Violence Against Women and Girls.

The Charter

To support the Women's Night Safety Charter (WNSC), any organisations that operates at night can sign-up to our simple pledges:

  • Nominate a champion in your organisation who actively promotes women’s night safety

  • Demonstrate to staff and customers that your organisation takes women’s safety at night seriously, for example through a communications campaign

  • Remind customers and staff that London is safe, but tell them what to do if they experience harassment when working, going out or travelling

  • Encourage reporting by victims and bystanders as part of your communications campaign

  • Train staff to ensure that all women who report are believed

  • Train staff to ensure that all reports are recorded and responded to

  • Design your public spaces and work places to make them safer for women at night.