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Welcome to imabi Travel Guardian
Expanding Safety Across All Forms of Travel
imabi is proud to announce the launch of imabi Travel Guardian, a groundbreaking evolution of the highly successful Railway Guardian app. Designed to enhance public safety for everyone, everywhere, imabi Travel Guardian brings expanded support, content, and services to ensure safe travel across all modes of transportation.
Download from the App stores here
Building on Success
Since its launch, the Railway Guardian app has played a pivotal role in improving passenger safety on the rail network, particularly in addressing Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). By empowering passengers to report incidents and encouraging bystander intervention, it has contributed to a remarkable 51% increase in incident reporting on the train network over the last two years.
With imabi Travel Guardian, we are extending this success to cover all forms of transport—trains, buses, taxis, trams, ferries, flights, and more—ensuring a safer journey for everyone.
Key features include:
Guides - Browse useful information on topics such as personal safety, health, wellbeing, travel and online security
Report - imabi has partnered with CrimeStoppers, allowing you to anonymously report crimes and unacceptable behaviour in public places
Support - Access support links to key charities and organisations for guidance and advice, including the ability to directly dial their helplines
Noticeboard - Access a noticeboard highlighting essential information, services and features, and promoting national and regional campaigns from our partners
Messages - Provides real time national and regional messages to help keep you safe and well, including live updates on nearby situations with the potential to affect you
Your Voice - Let your voice be heard by sharing harmful and anti-social behaviours anonymously, sharing personal experiences anonymously, responding to national surveys or answering topical snapshot questions. Your Voice really can make a difference with creating community improvement programmes
Key services include:
Use geolocation tools to reassure friends and family you’re safe and well, providing peace of mind at the push of a button.
Share Journey - Let your trusted and selected contacts know you are on the move
Share Arrival - Let your trusted and selected contacts know you have arrived at your destination safely
Rescue Me - Alert your trusted and selected contacts about what assistance you need
Near Me - Select map layers that show and navigate you to various safety and support locations e.g. Safe Spaces, Defibrillators
Location Alerts - Create a trusted group e.g. family, friends, work colleagues and allow the group to receive alerts when a group member enters or exits predefined locations e.g. Home, School, Work. Each group member can turn their sharing permission on or off at anytime
Sharing Groups - Create and manage your own circle of trusted contacts to share your journey or location with
Privacy - You control when, how long and who you share your location with. Meaning no one can know your location without your permission
In summary, the imabi Travel Guardian app promotes engagement, information sharing, and support within your community, offering a valuable tool that’s aimed at building and enhancing societal cohesion and cooperation.
imabi Travel Guardian has you covered 24/7
Be prepared and safe when you go out
Share with family and friends when you are travelling or home safe
Reach out for help and support when needed
Report a crime, incident or anti-social behaviour
Know what's happening in your area in real time
Have your voice so you can empower change

Safer Journeys for All
imabi Travel Guardian is more than just an app—it’s a commitment to ensuring everyone feels safe and supported wherever they go. Whether you’re taking the train, hopping on a bus, or catching a flight, imabi Travel Guardian is here to help create safer journeys for everyone.
Welcome to imabi Travel Guardian
Expanding Safety Across All Forms of Travel
imabi is proud to announce the launch of imabi Travel Guardian, a groundbreaking evolution of the highly successful Railway Guardian app. Designed to enhance public safety for everyone, everywhere, imabi Travel Guardian brings expanded support, content, and services to ensure safe travel across all modes of transportation.
What’s Changing
For current users of Railway Guardian, the transition will be seamless. Initially, users will notice a simple name change to imabi Travel Guardian, but in the coming months, we will roll out new features, services, and content that enhance safety and accessibility across multiple transport networks. And as always, the app will remain completely free to use.
Why imabi Travel Guardian?
imabi Travel Guardian focuses on:
Preventative Action: Creating environments where incidents are less likely to occur, instead of simply reacting to them.
Enhanced Collaboration: Working with key stakeholders to ensure safety is a shared priority across all transport sectors.

Stay Connected
We’re excited to embark on this journey with you. Stay tuned for updates as we introduce new features and services to make your travel experience safer, easier, and more connected than ever before.
Ready to join the movement?
Download imabi Travel Guardian today!
imabi is available across all platforms, including tablets or iPads.