Exciting News! imabi Community is moving to imabi Travel Guardian on 28th February 2025 - Bringing everything into one convenient place! Click this banner
Exciting News! imabi Community is moving to imabi Travel Guardian on 28th February 2025 - Bringing everything into one convenient place! Click this banner

imabi Community is a completely free, all-in-one hub designed to promote community engagement and help keep everyone safer and healthier, everyday, everywhere. Through real-time alerts, educational resources, and valuable tools it empowers users and helps foster a safer society for all.
We believe everyone has the right to feel safe.
imabi Community engenders genuine, sustainable, and progressive behavioural change through our innovative, first-of-its-kind technology.
imabi Community is just one of the suite of apps that make up the wider imabi ecosystem. Designed from the ground up, it provides essential services and features in one accessible and convenient place. No longer do you need to search the web or have multiple apps installed – imabi Community puts it at your fingertips.
Your all-in-one hub for engagement, information, and support. Stay connected, informed, and empowered with our versatile platform that enables you to engage in topical discussions, access real-time updates, find local information, and connect with your community.
The Community app’s versatility incorporates several key features:
Browse useful guides on topics such as personal safety, health, wellbeing, travel and online security
Use geolocation services for your peace of mind, by creating your own circle of trusted contacts to share your journeys or locations with
Anonymously report concerns of unacceptable behaviour in public places to our partner Crimestoppers
Access support links to key charities and organisations for guidance and advice, including the ability to directly dial their helplines from within the app
Access a noticeboard highlighting essential information, services and features, and promoting national and regional campaigns from our partners
In summary, the Community app promotes engagement, information sharing, and support within your community, offering a valuable tool that’s aimed at building and enhancing societal cohesion and cooperation.

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