8 Expert Tips to Stay Safe While Walking Alone at Night

Are you concerned about staying safe while walking alone at night?

We understand that many people, especially women and girls, can feel vulnerable whilst out and about on their own in the dark. 

That’s why we created imabi Guardian, our personal safety app. 

In this blog, we’ll be sharing our expert tips on the matter, as well as explaining how imabi Guardian can help keep you safe:

stay vigilant whilst walking alone

1) Stay Vigilant Whilst Walking Alone

First and foremost, it’s important to stay vigilant if you’re walking alone at night. 

Being aware of your surroundings is essential for your personal safety, so put your phone in your pocket and keep your ears free of headphones. Focus on what’s happening around you, as this will better prepare you to respond quickly to any unexpected risks. 

You don’t have to be on high alert at all times, as this can induce unnecessary anxiety. It’s about ensuring your attention isn’t distracted by anything that could prevent you from noticing a potential threat. 

Our imabi Guardian app has a map feature which can show you any incidents other users have reported nearby, so make sure to check this before leaving for your destination to avoid these areas. 

plan ahead if walking alone

2) Plan Ahead If Walking Alone

As we briefly mentioned at the end of the previous section, thinking ahead about the best way to get to your destination is crucial. 

If possible, choose a journey that will take you through busy areas, where there are public facilities and shops. This means there’ll always be someone around to ask for help if you need it

Should you regularly walk alone to and from the same place - for example, if you’re going home from a late shift at work - try to have two or three different route options prepared. 

You don’t want anyone with bad intentions to be able to identify a pattern in your movements, so keep them guessing to stay safe whilst walking alone at night. 

only walk alone in well-lit areas

3) Only Walk Alone in Well-Lit Areas

Even if it takes slightly longer, you’ll want to prioritise a well-lit and well-populated route with bright streetlights to provide an additional layer of security. 

Avoid any streets or roads that are dark and deserted, choosing instead those which are illuminated by business fronts or residential dwellings. 

An additional bonus is that these routes likely benefit from enhanced security provisions and provide better visibility for CCTV. 

share your route with someone you trust

4) Share Your Route With Someone You Trust

When it’s dark outside, it’s all the more important not to go out alone without telling someone you trust your plans. 

This can be for any reason, from taking the dog for a walk to visiting a friend’s house. It might seem over the top, but this is where the old adage “it’s better to be safe than sorry” couldn’t ring more true. 

Our imabi Guardian app has both ‘Share Journey’ and ‘Share Arrival’ features, meaning that you can choose a selection of trusted contacts to receive alerts when you are on the move and when you reach your destination. 

You control when, with whom and how long to share your location at all times, so nobody can know where you are without your permission.

carry a non-violent deterrent when walking alone

5) Carry a Non-Violent Deterrent When Walking Alone

It can also be a great idea to carry a non-violent deterrent with you when walking alone at night. This could be pepper spray, a flashlight and/or a whistle. 

Pepper spray can give you extra time to get away from a potential attacker, whilst a flashlight can be pointed directly at their eyes to temporarily blind them so you can escape (it goes without saying, don’t do this to someone in any other situation!). 

A whistle can help you to alert others in your vicinity that you’re in trouble and need their help.

wear the most appropriate footwear

6) Wear the Most Appropriate Footwear

It’ll come as no surprise to hear that the best choice of footwear for walking alone at night is a comfortable pair of trainers or running shoes.

However, if you’re making your way home after a late shift at work, or a long night on the dancefloor, this is unlikely to be a practical option.

In such circumstances, you’d be wise to bring a pair of lightweight flat shoes with you in your bag; that way, you can change into these before leaving. 

keep your keys close whilst walking alone

7) Keep Your Keys Close Whilst Walking Alone

This one is simple: make sure you know where your car and/or house keys are at all times. 

Ideally, keep them in a secure pocket in your coat or the top of your bag, so they’re ready for you to use and easily accessible when you need them. 

always trust your instincts

8) Always Trust Your Instincts

Finally, when walking alone at night, you’d do well to trust your instincts and follow any gut feelings that you might be in danger. 

If you suspect that you’re being followed, even after taking all the precautions we’ve shared above, quickly make your way to the nearest public place (where there will likely be security teams who can help you). 

At this point, get your phone out and call a friend or family member, letting them know exactly where you are and how long until they can expect you to arrive home. 

You can download our personal safety app today via the App Store or the Google Play Store

For more information, have a read of our recent blog on all the features of imabi Guardian.

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