Check out our brand new - imabi Travel Guardian - keeping you and your family safe on all modes of transport

Check out our brand new - imabi Travel Guardian - keeping you and your family safe on all modes of transport

Since the appearance of our CEO Mark Balaam on BBC Crimewatch Live, imabi has seen a huge spike in downloads, building upon our existing 500,000 users.

Mark’s appearance on the show has driven even more people to discover imabi.

Together we really can

“Make Change Happen”

Click this image to watch imabi on BBC iPlayer (we are at 29 min 35 seconds)

Safeguarding and Wellness

Making Change Happen’

imabi helps keep you safe on the street, safe when travelling, safe at school, safe at university, safe at work

imabi app support section
imabi app share you location screenshot
imabi screenshot of reports page

Welcome to imabi Travel Guardian

Expanding Safety Across All Forms of Travel

imabi is proud to announce the launch of imabi Travel Guardian, a groundbreaking evolution of the highly successful Railway Guardian app. Designed to enhance public safety for everyone, everywhere, imabi Travel Guardian brings expanded support, content, and services to ensure safe travel across all modes of transportation.

Welcome to the future of prevention, education and empowerment.

Safeguarding and wellness done as it should be and making a genuine difference.

With more than 500,000 downloads, imabi is trusted by:

By providing actionable advice to help prevent you from harm; a reporting function to help you inform those with the authority to make a change; geolocation to inform friends and family where you are and guides to help you across all sorts of scenarios – your wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around you is at its heart.


Be ready for the Worker Protection Act 2023, which came into force in October 2024, with imabi Pro.

“The Worker Protection Act means that you also have a legal responsibility to prevent harassment in your organisation. It is important that employers take appropriate steps now to ensure that staff are protected against sexual harassment at work.”

two people walking across the street with a coffee

Safety takes many forms

It’s not just your physical safety, imabi supports you in all areas, including your mental wellbeing and your wider health.

We’re changing society for the better. But change is made up of thousands of incremental steps – and by engaging with imabi, you’ll be helping to drive that change.

Join more than 500,000 others who are staying safe across the imabi platforms and download our free imabi Travel Guardian app today.

woman with headphones in on a bus

A guardian for all.

imabi’s view of safety is preventative. We keep you safe by taking a proactive rather than reactive approach.

Effectively, we’re your guardian. A guardian for physical wellbeing, for mental wellbeing, for workplace wellbeing, for educational wellbeing.

Broken down across our multiple functions, we offer several forms of guardianship: travel & community guardian, student guardian, and workplace guardian.

Are you a business looking to safeguard your employees? A school or university looking to support your students? An organisation looking to support your audience?

We can help.

An ‘award-winning’ ecosystem designed to inspire, empower and inform

An ‘award-winning’ ecosystem designed to inspire, empower and inform

Influential Women

imabi is shaping a safer world for all.

imabi is made up of many parts and our award-winning ecosystem allows users to make informed choices, seek assistance, and report unsafe or unethical conduct – putting the power to create change in your hands.

Imagine a world where people come together to establish secure communities: working collectively to address concerns, shift societal perspectives and combat harmful actions.

It sounds a grand vision – but this is exactly what our ‘ecosystem’ sets out to do.

Already used by thousands of FTSE 100 company staff, who are protected through the imabi platform when travelling and when in the workplace. Download our free imabi Travel Guardian app today, and join the imabi community.

The imabi ecosystem is groundbreaking:

  • railway guardian app

    imabi Travel Guardian

    imabi Travel app is dedicated to safeguarding travellers, empowering them to report incidents and stay protected, ensuring peace of mind on every journey.

  • improving school community safety

    imabi Inspire

    Staying safe in educational environments should be a fundamental right for every student. imabi Inspire helps students speak up and make a difference.

  • improving work community

    imabi Pro

    The right workplace culture allows employees to thrive. imabi Pro empowers staff with a voice, helping them to shape their workplace for the better.

As featured in…

Pioneering safeguarding technology

Powered by predictive artificial intelligence and machine learning, and leveraging cutting-edge graph database technology, imabi anticipates events before they happen, helping its users to stay informed and make informed decisions.

Not your typical search engine or AI information platform; instead, imabi proactively and predictively delivers verified trustworthy and ethical facts directly to you, reshaping how you access information and transforming your decision-making process.

Want to learn more?

Enhancing and complementing is core to our strategy. Working in harmony with established structures is the key to effective progress.

imabi isn’t standalone. To achieve lasting, significant societal and behavioural change, we strengthen, amplify, and enhance existing initiatives and infrastructure – working in support of others on similar missions.

Designed to be tailored, customisable, and infinitely scalable, imabi utilises predictive intelligence to offer personalised and actionable insights.

Our all-in-one solution combines prevention, education, and empowerment in a manner that is convenient and accessible for our users.

Businesses, schools, universities and wider organisations are able to benefit from versions tailored specifically for them – targeting specific needs and circumstances.

two girls walking together down a street

imabi has already been pivotal in saving at least two children’s lives.